Proud Urology Clinic is established by three urologists in December 2016 — specializing in men enhancement treatments.
Proud Urology Clinic has also been accredited by JCI (Joint Commission International) for patient safety and hygienic facility. We are one of the leading urology clinic in Asia.
What is Prostatitis?
Prostatitis is an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland and area around it. The prostate gland is a chestnut-shaped or walnut-sized gland located beneath the urinary bladder in males. This reproductive organ is located between the bladder and the penis, right in front of the rectum. This gland adds secretions to sperm during ejaculation and serves as a passage for both semen and urine. Therefore, prostatitis is a condition that affects men of all ages. Multiple medical survey reports state that almost 50% of men experience prostatitis symptoms once in their lifetime. It is a common condition in men aged below 50.
Types of Prostatitis
Prostatitis can be of different types depending upon a person’s type of infection and symptoms. It can either be an acute illness or a chronic disease. According to NIH, prostatitis can be classified into the following categories:
1. Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
It is one of the least common types of Prostatitis that can cause the most severe symptoms in men. It is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the prostate. Acute Bacterial Prostatitis, if not treated at the right time, can lead to sepsis. It also causes severe pain in the pelvis and genital area.
Sepsis is the prevalence of bacteria in the blood. A person suffering from Sepsis may feel fatal and experience low blood pressure. It is a severe but curable condition. If treated timely under the medical supervision of a doctor, it can be treated with the help of intravenous antibiotics, pain relievers, and fluids.
2. Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
It is a type of prostatitis that can be managed but comes back quite often. A person suffering from Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis may experience frequent urinary tract bacterial infections that chronically affect the prostate gland. Burning sensation while urinating, frequent urge to urinate and severe pain in genitals are some of the symptoms a patient of this condition may experience. This type of infection is comparatively harder to treat and might include prolonged antibiotics to lower the symptoms.
3. Chronic Non-bacterial Prostatitis
Also known as Chronic Pelvic pain syndrome, this is one of the most common forms of prostatitis that affects men of all ages. Medical reports state that almost 90% of prostatitis cases consist of Pelvic pain syndrome. In this condition, patients do not have bacteria in their urine, but other signs of inflammation cause pain in the genitals and abdominal. Erectile Dysfunction is the most common symptom of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis.
4. Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis
As the name suggests itself, it is the type of prostatitis with no symptoms. A urologist often identifies this type of prostatitis during other examinations such as, Prostate Biopsy or semen analysis. That is why it is always advised for everybody to include STD and genital check-ups during the scheduled body check-up.
Cause of Prostatitis
The bacterial infection is the most common cause of prostatitis. Bacteria often spread from the rectum or infected urine that enters from the urinary tract. On the other hand, non-bacterial prostatitis or Chronic pelvic pain syndrome may be caused either due to former infection in genitals or injury of pelvic floor muscles.
Many people often confuse prostatitis as a sexually transmitted disease. One must know that it is not an STD, and a healthy person cannot get prostatitis from an infected person. But Bacterial prostatitis can result from various STDs including, Herpes.
A man can get prostatitis at any age. There are still some health conditions in men that can increase the risk of prostatitis infection. The requirements are as follows:
- Infection in the urinary tract
- Bladder Infection
- Injury between scrotum and anus
- Enlarged prostate
- Urinary tract anatomy
- Usage of a catheter in urethra in a recent test
- Frequent Rectal intercourse
- Dehydration
At some times, prostatitis may cause no symptoms, while at other times, it can induce specific severe symptoms that the person might need an urgent medical care. Some common symptoms of prostatitis may include the following:
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Problem in urinating
- Burning sensation during urination
- Severe pain while urinating
- Fever
- Discharge from the urethra during bowel movements
- Pain while ejaculation
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Pain around anus
- Pain in Groin
- Pain in the Lower back
- Pain in Pelvis
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Loss of sex drive
- Throbbing sensations in the genital area
People facing these symptoms are always advised to immediately consult the doctor and take the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Once you consult your doctor, it is always advised to discuss the actual symptoms without hesitation. Considering your symptoms, health history, and sexual life, your doctor may recommend some physical examinations. Proud Urology Clinic gives the best laboratory diagnostics providing the most accurate results of your health conditions. Some major tests involved in the diagnosis process of prostatitis may include the following;
Urine Test
Prostatic fluid and urine samples are collected and checked for white blood cells and bacteria.
Prostate Massage
The doctor might drain fluid in the prostate gland into the urethra through massage. This fluid is then tested for inflammation and infection.
Digital Rectal Exam
Intending to check the swelling or tenderness, a healthcare provider puts a finger (wearing a glove) into the rectum to exam the part of the prostate next to the rectum.
Semen Test
A laboratory semen test is done to check for White blood cells and bacteria.
CT Scan
A CT scan is done to check the details of bones and muscles.
A thin and flexible tube is inserted into the penis through the urethra to check for structure changes or blockages.
Transrectal Ultrasound
A thin transducer is inserted in the rectum to examine the images of the prostate.
Along with prescribed antibiotics and medications, home remedies are always a boon to reduce the pain. These remedies don’t guarantee a sure treatment of prostatitis but surely helps a person to get well soon. A person who has prostatitis must include the following practices in his routine:
- Warm baths (prefer in a bathtub)
- Avoid the consumption of alcohol and caffeine.
- Avoid the consumption of spicy food.
- Suspend the rigorous physical exercises from your routine, such as cycling and horse riding.
- Prostate massage can be a real relief for the patient suffering from non-bacterial prostatitis.
- Acupuncture can help reduce the painful symptoms of a person suffering from prostatitis.